Trina Gaynon
Nov 7, 20242 min read
Threat of Drowning
The sea spits him back out at the end of each long day spent lobstering, just long enough to sell the day's catch and fill the house with...

Trina Gaynon
Oct 1, 20244 min read
Manuscript Soup or The Poems that Didn’t Make it
Desert Ascent St. John Climacus I. At eighty he still scales the ladder to God; so long spent on the thirty rungs...
Trina Gaynon
Aug 23, 20243 min read
How I Went from Reluctant Salesperson To “I Want This Book to Have Legs!”
This morning when I jumped out of the shower to write down a thought, it wasn’t a line for a poem. It was another place where I might...